Adrian Lamo Bumped from NBC Hacker Story, After Hacking NBC

This is pretty sweet.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s right for someone to maliciously break into a network and steal or otherwise vandalize that system. But when you basically dare a guy to do something in the course of a news story, and then he does it, I just think you should let that be part of the story.

Five minutes and one guessed password later and Lamo was surfing the television network’s private messaging system and an affiliate scheduling application that included internal memos and information on advertising rates. Screen shots of the hack provided by Lamo and reviewed by SecurityFocus Online include a page from an NBC vendor database with the network’s trademark “living color” peacock and the warning, “All information contained on this Web site is to be held in the strictest confidence,” in all capital letters. “It was a very full service system,” recalls Lamo.

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